RMHL Newsletter Volume 1 | Issue 1
Updated: Sep 23, 2020
I am proud to have been asked to write our monthly newsletter for the Ridge Meadows Home learning group (RMHL). This well established local group is such a supportive place for families. The minimal fee allows its members access to several activities, field trips and co-ops set up throughout the year. I encourage anyone local to Maple Ridge to look into joining this amazing group as its been a great place to learn and connect with 'newbies' and 'veterans' alike. Click here to go direct to the RMHL website to learn more or inquire about a membership.
RMHL Newsletter | Welcome Back! September 8 - The “Not back to School” Event September 9 - Clip and Climb field trip September 14 - First Mom ‘meetup' via zoom 7:00pm September 18 - Our Bones are Made of Salmon Field Trip
September 15, 22, 29 - Harris Road Park Gym time (K+ sports: NEEDS VOLUNTEERS!)
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." ~ Helen Keller Allow me to introduce myself!
Hello, My name is Nicole Nieuwhof and this is the first year I am choosing to do Home Learning. I am a proud mom of 2 beautiful children, Ryleigh who is 12 years old and Elijah who is 8 years old. I am also self employed as a Registered Massage Therapist. If truth be told, I had thought many times about switching in the past year to home learning but never felt capable. I either made excuses such as not enough time or no idea where to begin etc. Many of you may be new or you may have been doing this for many years. If I may start by speaking to the ‘newbies”, I have come to realize that this style of learning is not just a way to educate our children, but it is a philosophical choice. Some of us have been drawn to this because of global circumstance but if I am being truly honest with myself, and all of you, I have chosen this path because I wish to be an integral part of choosing how my children will be educated. This will take many forms as the years go on, but I have to start somewhere. This is what has brought me to Ridge Meadows Home Learners Group. I needed to find a community of families that also believe in this philosophy of living the Home Learning lifestyle. I wanted to be involved with a group that not only coordinates and plans social gatherings & field trips but also a place to find support. Community is everything when it comes to raising children, it is a place to find friends, it is a place to tiptoe outside of your comfort zone occasionally (i.e. meeting new people) and it is a fellow mom or dad saying “you got this” even when it feels like our world is overwhelming. To the ones who have done Home Learning for many years, I thank you for sharing your knowledge and time to provide groups like this. I look forward to meeting many of you in the coming months, newbies and veterans alike. I also look forward to my kids connecting with other kids in an environment of freedom, exploration of the world and completely unconstrained by the walls of a school! I encourage all of you to consider becoming members of this group, with a minimal fee you can provide support to a group that supports our community. It truly does take a village! Community Sharing & Volunteering Ridge Meadows Home Learners is always looking for volunteers to help out with co-ops or field trips. If this is something that interests you, please reach out to offer some volunteer time. It is a great way to create fun interactive learning opportunities for you and your children. With the pandemic limiting access to allowing groups comfortably into our homes I challenge you all to put on your thinking caps and start thinking outside the box. We could use zoom to provide tutorials, which is a great way to get people together to learn and socialize while also participating in our own homes! I encourage you all to take photos of your projects and with your permission we would love to include these photos in future newsletters and also share your ideas of projects or links to fun activities. We would like to start a community sharing page where families can contribute to the newsletter. If you have photos, links or ideas to resources or anything you would like to contribute we would love to hear from you. If you are interested in contributing, please feel free to contact me directly at: nicki.rmt@gmail.com. "Climb the mountains and get their good tidings, nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine into trees" ~ John MuirIdeas for October:
planning a pumpkin patch field trip (Taves Farm has an apple and pumpkin tour in October, I have started looking into this)
Halloween costume making tutorial on zoom (Any takers on setting it up?)
natural candy making taught via zoom (Who would be interested in hosting this?)
candle making tutorial via zoom (This would be a great gift idea)
Thanksgiving centerpiece tutorial on zoom (I love art projects!)
hiking or outdoor learning classes (this is something I have a personal interest in) please check out our local Facebook hiking page here
zoom reading corners (good for younger kids who want to listen to a story from a storyteller)
Covid Waiver and public health recommendations We know that this upcoming year will look a little different than years past and we must all do our part as we go forward. For any of our group events please keep in mind that numbers will be capped to accommodate public health recommendations. As per Public health, we are required to collect contact information from everyone who attends any event in person, this information will be kept private and never shared unless requested by public health. We will provide hand sanitizer and encourage mask wearing if socially distancing is not possible. We have a covid waiver that will be necessary for any in person events. Despite all of this we will do everything we can to make this a great year for all of our kids. Zoom is a wonderful tool we can use to continue those connections. Contact Us If you have any questions, comments, concerns or inquiries about obtaining a membership please feel free to contact Ridge Meadows Home Learners at www.ridgemeadowshomelearners.com and fill out the contact form. Thank you for reading my first newsletter with RMHL group. While I have you, and if you are so inclined, I have created this blog and Instagram page as a way to document our family’s journey through the home learning life. My plan is to write our life as it unfolds showcasing the interactive learning, activities, outdoor adventures, projects and just plain ole good times! Feel free to follow along as we wander through it. Nicole Nieuwhof www.hometeachmama.ca Instagram @home_teach_mama